Fotos de Malina por Amílcar Moretti
«Mi teoría es que el cine no lo inventaron los hermanos Lumière, sino Rubens, Velázquez, Caravaggio y el propio Rembrandt, uno de los maestros en manipular la luz y en dirigir a los personajes de sus cuadros.» (Peter Greenaway)
«Peter Greenaway es un artista polifacético: director de cine, escritor y pintor, también ha escrito óperas y ha colaborado con compositores de música. Greenaway nació en Gales y se formó como pintor. En 1966 empezó a experimentar con el cine. Desde entonces, ha dirigido 15 películas y más de 40 cortometrajes, documentales y series de televisión. Entre sus películas más reconocidas encontramos: The Falls, The Draughtsman’s Contract, The Belly of an Architect, The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her lover, The Pillow Book o The Tulse Luper Suitcases. Actualmente, vive en Ámsterdam y ha seguido haciendo cine y organizando exposiciones e instalaciones.»
Pero mejor recurrir a la fuente, la cátedra de profesora titular y especialista CARLA FERRARI, donde se almacenan muy interesantes estudios de investigación y reflexión sobre el arte, en la Universidad de Palermo.
MORETTI AMILCAR. August 22, 2015. Of course, when we made the picture with Malina, my model of France (and now also of Argentina, because decided to stay here!), And entered my consciousness the image of Bronzino. I’ve been compared to him, or seemed to follow Bronzino Italian sixteenth century, which is an exaggeration that generates shame and flatters me, at a time. A Bronzino (1503-1572, master painter of the Medici in Florence) with its Mannerist pictures had been slightly in the chair of art history at the Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahia Blanca), decades ago. Venus figure lying on his right side has been repeated countless times. One way or another, the naked woman in resting and along the bed or couch is a classic. In the gloom he mentions the great Spanish poet and Serrat retakes one of their old songs. Benedetti, the Uruguayan writer, walked out there, too. Inheritances are transmitted culture sometimes skipping several generations and distant geographies and recorded somewhere in the subconciente.Quizás give them way above the unconscious something that comes out when you do not know or realize. Art works well. For «Bronzino and I» see links below:
But better to turn to the source, the chair of professor and specialist CARLA FERRARI, where interesting research studies and reflections on art are stored at the University of Palermo.